Sunday, August 31, 2008

Miley Cyrus wants you to suck on this...

So, we all know that Miley Cyrus has taken over the world with her (and her alter-ego, Hannah Montana's) mass merchandising. Movies? Check. Clothing line? Check. Posters and lunchboxes? Check, check. But if you thought that was enough, well then you would be mistaken, because whose life could be complete without... drumroll please... Hannah Montana candy?!! 

Especially if that candy looks like a big, hairless penis. The lineup starts behind me!  The package says that they're supposed to be Guitar & Microphone Shapes, but you tell me, does that flesh-coloured, rubbery treat look anything like a guitar to you? Didn't think so. Now I'm sure (I hope!!) that this next observation is subjective and not intended by Disney, but the way the shaft - ahem, sorry, the neck of the guitar - is pointing at Hannah Montana's wide open, smiling mouth... it just sends too many messages that shouldn't be there when looking at the image of a 15 year old "role model". Messages that surely someone in Miss Cyrus' camp should have questioned when looking over the final product!

Honestly, who on this earth could have approved this? Do her parents/management team even look at this stuff before it goes out, or are products bearing her name and image handled by an entirely separate group of people? I mean really, even if the "guitar" shape could pass, certainly someone should have questioned the colour! It is the colour of skin for God's sake!

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