I know, I know. You're pissed that there's another election happening right now. PLEASE don't let those feelings of frustration stop you from getting to your polling stations tomorrow. It's so important. (If you're interested in my opinion, I don't believe a government that was held in contempt of parliament - the first time in our country's history - should get another kick at the can. But, hey, whatever you're thoughts are, let them be known.) Our country's future could be vastly different if every eligible voter got off their butts and had their say. The majority of Canadians do NOT approve of Stephen Harper's Tory government. Yet, for some unknown reason, Tories are the ones who vote most passionately and therefore end up having things go their way. If social voters made sure to participate in this election (especially if strategic voting is applied in key ridings), we could surely overthrow this conservative government - and by a lot! We live in a country where most of us believe in taking care of one another. We believe in the necessity of social programs, as well as the need to balance the budget. We believe in maintaining - or more, strengthening - our Canadian identity. We believe in inclusion and equality, whether it be gender, racial or marital. We believe in protecting the environment, and we know that it is crucial for Canada to truly join the global efforts to slow climate change. We believe Canada can be better.
I'll be voting tomorrow, and I've got my fingers and toes crossed that you will do the same.
Happy voting, Canada.
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