Thursday, October 1, 2009

Feeling B.L.A.H

Good day. Well, I hope it is for you, anyway.

I feel like crap-ola today. I've been fighting a cold for a few days now and the sucky weather concurrently plighting Toronto makes it so much harder to climb out of my funk. If it were a nice day out I'd probably manage to find the will to get off my ass and out into the sunshine. That would certainly perk me up, and make my kid way less bored too. I.just.can' We've already watched Finding Nemo, assembled a wicked-ass train track, read books, coloured, administered 2 time-outs, cooked (ugh, who am I trying to fool... nuked) and ate lunch, and I watched some vlogs from this chick I follow online.

Now the kid is sleeping and I am so bored. I planned to make chicken soup today, but I just don't think it's gonna happen. All I want to do is curl up in bed and read Outlander, watch back episodes of my favourite shows, have a bubble bath and feel better. It's so brutal being sick (ish - I'm not SICK sick) and lazy when you have a kid depending on you to entertain and actively parent him. I want to feel sorry for myself and indulge in completely selfish activities of my own choosing, not hang out at the community centre or neighbourhood park, which only ever consists of chasing him around the field and yelling "This way, sweetie!! No no, not into that massive puddle!! Don't throw rocks!! Can you please come with Mama?!?? No, no, that's not your ball, baby, we need to give that back...". It takes a lot of effort to tackle that kind of afternoon, and I just don't have it in me today.

I should have tried to nap, but I was hesitant to because yesterday when I did my kid woke up 5 minutes after I drifted off. I got startled awake by his squawking, and remained in a disoriented fog for a good 20 minutes after that. I was so scared the same thing would happen again today, but of course, as Mr. Murphy would have told me, today the blessed child has been sleeping for nicely over an hour now. I would have had a kick-ass nap!! UGH!

So, such is my life this week. Just a never-ending string of bad luck, bad timing, bad moods, and a completely bad attitude!
Oh, I just realized I'm out of diapers and milk. I guess I now have plans for the afternoon. Envious? I thought so.

Ta ta!

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