The last time I went to the Harbourfront Centre's free summer movie was 8 or 9 years ago. I saw Vertigo with Luke and 2 of his Ryerson buddies, and we had such a great time - I vowed to go back the next week for Rear Window (every season has a theme, that year was, duh, Alfred Hitchcock films). Obviously, I never did make it back the following week, and then I just kind of forgot about it, I guess. Well, when it started up again this year I looked over the schedule and noticed that this season's theme is 80's movies! I could not let another year go by without seeing at least one of the awesome movies on the list, so I made a plan: I would see Desperately Seeking Susan with my visiting cousin, Alaina. I was so excited to take her and have her be amazed by the city's offerings and the beauty of Harbourfront at night. It would be an experience to go home and brag to her family and friends about, and I would be proud to share it with her. Well, wouldn't you know, it rained that night, hard enough to totally scratch that plan. Blah. So disappointing. I'd built it up so much!! We ended up just heading up to Blockbuster and renting My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which is good of course, but not quite the same as catching a classic movie outdoors, surrounded by sailboats in the harbour, city lights, and views of the CN Towe and Skydome (er Rogers Centre - will I ever get used to calling it that?).
With my first attempt a bust, and my available nights in the summer running out fast, Luke and I made a date to see Say Anything last night. I'd never actually seen it and it's soooo good!! We were really pumped, and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. Sunny and warm all day, the evening cooled off nicely for cuddling together under blankets and stars. The benches had been seriously improved (we'd been dreading the serious backaches we endured through Vertigo), and the auditorium was totally full. The whole vibe down there was so cool; laughter filled the band shell, and everyone was happy, really enjoying the night. During the iconic ghetto blaster scene (with Lloyd Dobbler playing "In Your Eyes" for his love, Diane Court, outside her bedroom window) we all cheered and lots of people took pictures of the screen. I totally missed having my camera available to take a few shots myself (not of the screen, because I'm a good girl and such behavior was not actually allowed, but of the evening in general). Instead I'll find a couple of stills from the movie and stick'em in this post!

Anyway, I'm so glad I finally got back down there after so many years away, and I can't recommend it more highly to visitors of Toronto and residents alike. It's truly one of the best summer dates you could have in this wonderful city. I can't wait for next season!
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