We had a national election about 8 weeks ago, in which the Conservative Party of Canada secured another minority government. The other three main parties have been butting heads with the Conservatives, lead by our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, for ages now, and it looks like they've finally had enough. Our Finance Minister delivered his economic and fiscal statement the other day, and its lack of a comprehensive stimulus plan has enraged the opposition. They see it as failing the Canadian people, and the final straw. Jack Layton wrote in his official statement on the coalition, "We have a government that refuses to act when our economy, and the people whom it serves, need it more than at any time in a generation. The government has lost the confidence of the people of Canada and therefore it has lost the confidence of this Parliament. It falls on us to act." The opposition's stance is that more than half of the country does not support Harper and these people are not being listened to. We all deserve a more definitive strategy regarding the economic struggles our country is in for. So now the Liberals, the NDP, and the Bloc are forming a united coalition in the hopes of creating a better economic future of Canada and all of its citizens.
I've been trying to wrap my head around all the millions of pieces of information that are floating around on message boards, and on official party websites, but truthfully, I find it all pretty mind-boggling. Certainly, I do not care for Stephen Harper, but I wonder if usurping the Conservatives with a coalition government is the answer. And do I want Stephane Dion, the presumed choice for the leader of this coalition and, by extension, the would-be Prime Minister representing this coalition? Representing Canada? Representing me? I would need to be convinced that he's up to the task before I can get on board with this plan.
I read a number of posts by people who thought the idea of the coalition isn't a bad one in itself, but they're wondering what on earth took them so long to do it. They're wondering why didn't they didn't do this before the election, so as not to waste the time and energy of all of us who voted (not to mention all those who volunteered and campaigned). My thoughts are that they were hoping the election results would bring in new numbers that could better influence the Conservatives in its second time around in power. However, even though the election did result in a slightly more diverse group of seats in Parliament, the opposition says that Harper won't listen to or negotiate with the other Parties. This is frustrating because, again, more than half of Canadians do not support his government or its ideologies.
I suppose drastic measures do need to be taken, but I can't help but feel uneasy about this plan for now. I'm hoping for more comprehensive information from all the parties - the rhetoric from ALL sides makes my head spin. It's so hard to know who to have faith in. I just wonder what it would be like if we could all actually work together... although, I suppose, that is exactly what this new coalition is proposing to do. I guess we have to wait and see what happens in the upcoming weeks.
What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear them.
Forgive me for being ignorant, but I really don't know ... how exactly would Stephane Dion become the prime minister? I get that he would be the leader of the coalition, and together they would have a majority, but how does he go from there to actually being Prime Minister? Surely it's not possible for a group of politicians to form a club and choose whoever they want... if it is, we're in a lot bigger trouble than I thought.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of Stephen Harper. But it the situation were reversed, I'd be pretty angry if it were a bunch of conservatives forming a coalition and appointing him Prime Minister.
I don't know what to think, really :-(
That's kind of exactly what would happen. They've written to the Governor General and if she approves their motion, then I think they would take over power because of their majority.
If she rejects it, though, it will go to another election.
That's what I've been able to make of it all... it's all pretty crazy.
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