I'm in a miserable funk over my excess baby weight lately. I was steadily losing, then BAM I put back on 8lbs last month - you read that correctly. 8 pounds! I'm so depressed about it you can't imagine. The worst part is that I've been trying. I've been eating well, and staying active with daily walks, workout videos and - as of this past Friday - aquafit class.
I take Owen swimming on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the community centre, and while we're in the shallow end an aquafit class gets led in the deep end (participants wear specific aquafit floaty belts - very chic). The instructor is young and from the occasional glance over appears to know what she's doing. So, since I'm always searching for low-no impact exercise options (bad bad knees) I thought I'd pass the baby off to Luke on Friday and hit the drop-in class. Well, it turns out that the class I'd been eyeing is a registered class only and the girl who teaches it does not teach the drop-in classes. The gentleman who leads the class I attended was an elderly man named Robby. Robby wore spandex shorts and a bright blue sweat band on his forehead. Robby is senile and kept yelling incoherently at the teenaged lifeguards who were slacking off in the office behind him. Robby repeatedly got lost in the classic melodies of The Great American Songbook and kind of zoned in and out, guiding us through the most ridiculous, totally improvised routine I've ever experienced. The youngest participant by easily 40 years, I laughed silently to myself as little old ladies all around me sang along with Frank Sinatra while we did grapevines for the width of the pool.
Near the end of the class, kids being let out of swimming lessons came filing through, some staring at us and some mimicking us. I laughed, knowing full-well just how hilarious we must have looked to them. I also laughed because I was closer to their age than the age of the people I was in the pool with and in a million years I would never predicted this day was in my future when I was 12 like them. Oddly enough, though, I wasn't embarrassed. Must be the whole "mom" thing - I actually found myself identifying more with the seniors in the pool who thought the kids were cute. It just goes to show that as we all get older, the differences that separate us become fewer and less important than the things that we share. I wouldn't have expected that reaction from myself had I not experienced it that day.
Despite my revelation, aquafit will not be my body's salvation. *shrug* I'm alright with it - maybe Turbo Jam will be (that should arrive by mail next week - yes, I ordered a workout system from an infomercial)! I'll keep you posted... This weight is coming off though, come hell or high water.
1 comment:
I myself with with the baby weight blues have used Turbo Jam, while I love the workout itself I haven't seen great results. I have some problems with my feet and the workout did aggravate it. I still do the workout because it did make me FEEL better, just no real weight differences. I also found Windsor Pilates good. It isn't a great weight loss tool but it will reshape your body which is sometimes half the battle with baby weight and it is no impact!!
Good luck on your quest to loose the weight I know how hard it is!!
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