I'm not sure yet how this blog will unfold... I'll probably post random thoughts/daily activities mostly, in hopes that they might inspire something more eventually. In highschool I took a Writer's Craft class that emphasized the importance of just writing all the time - an "if you write it, it will come" sort of thinking. So I hope that in "just writing" I'll find myself coming up with things a little more meaningful: poetry, political musings... we'll have to see!
Sticking with things isn't a particular strength of mine (I tend to get lazy and distracted pretty easily), so I'd like to make a goal that for 2 weeks, I will post something - with words, picture galleries are for Facebook - everyday. I figure that's long enough to get used to this process of writing again, and also to get used to the daily commitment to something a little bigger than a trip outdoors with my son.
I warn you, my posts will undoubtedly be mommy/baby slanted. Hey, that's my life right now! But if I can manage to get some creative satisfaction from that, well then, I'll stick with it and try to get over any guilt about not being more interesting. :)
Wish me luck!
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