Ordinary Life
Whether it's a Monday
or a Tuesday,
it's either you up first
or me day.
Morning cuddles and
brushing teeth,
scrambling to get us all
something to eat.
Then you're out the door,
aiming for eight,
(but more often than not,
we're all running late.)
And so it begins,
our daily routine.
An Ordinary Life
that stars you and me.
My days often go by
rather the same:
playgrounds, errands,
and over again.
Wiping small noses,
and later big tears,
mixed in with the calming
of tantrums and fears.
It's an Ordinary Life
and it suits me just right.
Performing traditional
family roles,
we work hard to run
this modern household.
'Cuz while I do the playdates,
laundry and meals,
I count my lucky stars
that they're not office ordeals.
And I struggle, of course,
sometimes may cry
on those tough days when
time just won't pass by.
But I can't help knowing,
at the end of the day,
that we've done things
the very best "us" way.
Because when you come home
each and every night,
and you kiss us all,
holding on tight...
I know we're the ones
who got it right.
My heart loves you and our
Ordinary Life.